Sunday 22 January 2012

Monthly Themes!

Use these to create dialogue on GYD issues in your communities!

January: New Years Resolutions
February: Men and Women Roles (Men as Partners)
March: International Women’s Day (Women’s Empowerment)
April: Breaking Stereotypes
May: Mother’s Day
June: Father’s Day
July: Domestic Violence
August: Youth Community Activities
September: Focus on Education
October: Environment- Stop burning
November: Nutrition
December: Family Planning

Ten GYD Activities

1. Start an official (or unofficial) art club.
2. Join in on football games with the youth.
3. Sit with your local women, men, or children (take yer pick) and listen to their stories, take the time to discuss their daily lives.
4. Start a reading club.
5. (My personal number one priority) Watch Harry Potter with the kids (because being a good role model starts with good, fun quality time).
6. Sit in on a baby weighing (and hold the cutest chunky-monkeys in the world).
7. Try your hand at farming (or any chore that is made easier with a little bit of chit-chat).
8. Wash yer wears near the borehole with your neighbors and talk, talk, talk!
9. Learn about age or gender specific beliefs in your area (be it rumor, stereotype, superstition or ghost story; knowledge = power!)
10. Endear yourself to the nearest school and offer to help with lessons.

-Emmaline Repp